Nuttin for XXXmas: Our Last Adult Lifestyle Party of 2024
Nuttin for XXXmas
December 13-15, 2024
The last adult lifestyle event of the year. WOW. I’m a bit speechless as I can’t believe another year has come and gone. I guess that means there’s a ton more adventures in our future!
The Background
Leading into this event I was feeling pretty ok with it. I was finally feeling like I was in a happy place. It’s completely strange feeling sad and out of whack, so when you get the feeling back of being alive its a fabulous thing. This is how I was feeling going into this event. I was ready to make content again, I was ready to dress in theme and join the party. BUT - In all ways that works for me. Not with the weight of expectations. I meal prepped all my healthy options for the weekend, which always makes me feel good. Staying on track is important to me.
My Outfit
The outfit is something I struggle with hardcore. This past year my body just hasnt felt like its own. Because of that, I really haven’t been in the mood to dress in theme or in lingerie for that matter. I feel the need to completely cover my whole body. Talk about insecurities. Either that or just completely fucked up hormones. Whatever the reasoning, its made going to the events rather difficult. For example, we went to H&H’s hotel takeover the first week of the month. I wore a one piece full body suit with long sleeves and pants. Covering that, I had Spencers oversized sweatshirt. I’m not exactly sure thats what you would call the proper party outfit. Then again, who determines what the proper party outfit is? As long as I feel good and don’t look sloppy, I really don’t care. I'll be sharing more about this event in my December recap blog.
While packing for Nuttin for XXXmas, I decided I was going to find an outfit that works for me and that was on theme. Usually, when I think theme, I think costume, as in Halloween costume. Not any more. I’m wearing regular clothes with the Mizzy flair. That’s what works for me and makes me feel most confident. So watch out 2025, who knows what character you are going to get from me. Personalities are endless. LMAO
My thoughts on Shooting Content
Generally speaking, I record content around the clock. You never know what someone will do or say so capturing it organically is the best. I especially love my besties for allowing me to post such silly things at times. Their love and support means the world to me. I am so happy I found a close group of humans that breaks all the boundaries and is nothing but pure bonds. By boundaries I mean, my personal space, not sexual.
While at this event, and creating a good plan with my therapist, I allocated a certain amount of time for recording and then put the phone down. Not being attached to the phone so much really lightens my soul. It allows me to disconnect and be in a peaceful state more often. I was still able to record some really great pieces of work. All of that is posted and will be posted on my social media over time.
Travel Time
I genuinely love the travel. There’s something about being in the car that is so peaceful. Maybe because in my prior life, being in the car was the most terrifying thing. I never knew if i was in the car with a drunk driver, which generally, I always was. I feel so safe and secure now that I’d drive endless hours with Spencer. Its soothing on my soul. To makes things even more peaceful, we were actually on time, maybe even a few minutes ahead of schedule. I couldn't believe it. Spencer is always racing against the clock. For it to be a calm journey out this time around, really set the tone for the rest of the trip.
Happy Birthday Holly
Earlier in the week, Holly invited us to Friday night hibachi dinner in Rhode Island. There were a group of her close lifestyle friends attending and so she wanted to be sure to include us. I've probably put so much pressure on my out of town besties at this point. Reason being is I’m the chick that wants to be invited, but doesn’t really know if we can make it since we live so far away. I just want to be able to try, ya know. So, I am happy Holly included us because we were able to adjust our travel schedule to join the festivities.
I am so glad we did. Having the opportunity to interact with others outside the events is so important to me. It’s also extremely awkward. I interact with so many humans on social media everyday, establishing tight social relationships. Then you see each other in person and no one knows what to do. I’m not one to just go up to someone and be like heyyyyyyy….. How’s it going? I’m the one in the back watching what everyone else is doing. People interpret that as I’m not being very nice. It’s not that, its just overwhelming. Unless I've met you a million and five times, the chances of me being openly inviting are very slim. However, if you come up to me, I will greet you with open arms.
Dinner was sort of like that. Hibachi is hard to talk to everyone due to the setup, so we were all a bit disjointed. Holly & Jim were so good with making sure they were sitting by us for all the reasons I just described. I was also sitting next to a lovely chica that I’ve been chatting with at the events a little more frequently lately. It was nice to laugh on the outside and just shoot the shit.
Things ended in such a funny, silly way, that I will forever remember that night and continue on with some fun content going forward.
Time for Setup
I have to tell you, I LOVE OUR PARTNERSHIP with our club. The owner is the best human around. When we go, its like we are coming home. One big family. It’s such a wonderful feeling. We’ve also become a well oiled machine, that a lot of the club setup configuration is rearranged for us, cutting down on the amount of work that we need to do upon arrival. I don’t mind rearranging the club ourselves, but its a lot less time consuming if its already done. Setup is hours long to begin with. We are getting better at splitting into teams, accomplishing our duties and then the ladies taking off earlier than the guys so we can relax and decompress. For me, that's especially important.
During setup I learned that one of our single guys was on his way. OMGGGGGGGG…. That gave me a little tickle if you know what I mean! It had been a while since seeing him, so I was really happy to see him in an event setting. Normally when he is with us, he is our security. Not this time, as the club hired extra security, so he was able to just chill. Possibilities for the evening just opened up. Yummy!!
People ask me all the time if I play at the events. The answer is no, I do not. There are a select few individuals who have been to our parties since the beginning of time that I have established sexy relationships with. But its very soft … Mostly kissing. I don't think it's appropriate to play with those that attend our parties simply because I'm the host. God forbid something goes south for whatever the reason, I do not want there to be a bad reflection on our events. It's not worth it. Secondly, what happens if something transpires that needs handling. We can't be off playing somewere. We need to habdle business. If we bring our partners to the events, you will see me being more flirtatious and sexual with them, but all activities happen at the end of the night in our hotel room, privately.
Nuttin for XXXmas
The night started out smooth. Attendees started to arrive and as the night went on, the club fill up with sexy clauses every where. The vibe was incredible. Then again, our events always bring an incredible vibe. That makes me so happy! That means we have so many incredible humans in our community and they all interact and jive well at a Mindbender Parties event. As a host, that's what you want.
The layout of the club was the general layout in the party room. In the play space, we set up one bed for open play and three beds for private, closed door play. We try and change the setup time to time to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s kind of hard because sometimes we have everyone playing out in the open, everywhere through the club. Some nights its completely private play. We never know what we are going to get.
I can not wait to see the photos captured from Chris Addams Photography. I know we have alot of sexy photos that can't be shared on social media. I'll have to add them to the December recap blog so be on the look out. In the meantime, here are a few I snapped.
When the night was over, none wanted to go home. It was the first time is long time where we really had to kick people out. That’s good and bad. It’s good because that means we just hosted a killer party, its bad because we have our own after party we are trying to get to. We didn’t leave the club until about 3am.
The After Party
O>M>G> is all I can say. First off, MFM is my favorite composition. Especially when the two guys know how to really flow together allowing me the space to flow between them. Spencer really likes to sit back and watch a lot, so that does make the flowing easier. Any way, this was an overwhelming night of pure pleasure. The more time we spend with our single guy, who is pretty much vanilla, the more he loosens and explores. He pushes his boundaries on what he is allowed to do to me and I thoroughly enjoy the entire experience. He left me tired, used and feeling so good. I had to tap out because I always need to end the night with Spencer, and I knew I couldn’t take much more at that point. Our guy brought me to a level of pure intensity. It makes ne want to keep exploring with him. Stat tuned on this!
If you can imagine, I slept like a baby that night.
Time to Clean Up and Head Home
We really didn’t get much sleep. By the time our night ended, it was practically time to wake up and walk the furbabies. Spencer was a true champ. He got himself dressed and out the door with the little cuties. As he was doing that, I hopped in to bed with our single guy and snuggled until it was time to really wake up for breakfast. I think we were at the club by 10:30am to pack up. There really wasn’t much to do that morning since we were at the club for an hour after the event ended. We pulled a lot down during that time. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.
I think cleanup is my favorite time. We laugh, we recap, and just reconnect after the night. I really appreciate that part of the weekend. After we finish packing us, we always stand outside the club, smoking a joint, saying our farewells until next time.
We were home by 5pm that night. One of the earliest times we've ever gotten home. It was easy sailing in the best possible way.
Final Thoughts
I am so proud of myself for making it through this event with my head on straight. Halloween was dicey, so to end the year strong, I am completely grateful. To know I am finding my way back into LS activities makes my heart smile. I missed our sexual interactions and really would like to incorporate them more frequently. I am definitely on the path to making that happen. You just have to find the right humans that make that little tickle happen.
The end.
Until next time, I will talk to you super soon,
For more behind the scenes and closer interactions, subscribe to my Instagram channel or just follow along!
For event listings, check out Mindbender Parties. Next up is Winter Out January 25, 2025.
Shopping for Anything but Ordinary at Mizzy's Boutique